Kesepaduan Melalui Tawa: Ketuk Ketampi di Kem Pembentukan JKM KSJ

Di tengah-tengah suasana damai Laman Nur Bistari, Ulu Yam, calon-calon JKM KSJ menjalani aktiviti pembinaan pasukan yang tidak hanya menyenangkan hati tetapi juga mendidik. Ketika tawa mengiringi sesi ‘ketuk ketampi’, bukan sekadar permainan, tetapi sebuah cara kreatif untuk mengukuhkan keakraban dan kepekaan dalam kelompok. Melalui hukuman ringan ini, setiap calon diperingatkan tentang pentingnya menghargai dan mengingati setiap anggota dalam kumpulan mereka. Ini adalah langkah dalam perjalanan kepemimpinan mereka, mengukir erti persahabatan sejati di hati.

The image showcases JKM KSJ candidates engaging in a lighthearted punitive activity, promoting unity and memorization skills in a natural setting

Mastering Event Protocols at UTM: Insights from Pn Suzalpha’s KSJ Workshop

In the heart of KSJ, Pn Suzalpha, our fellow, delivered an enlightening lecture on the protocols of event management at UTM. Her talk, part of the JKM KSJ Formation Camp, was a deep dive into the nuances of successful event execution, stressing adherence to university protocols. The attendees, engrossed and eager, soaked in her guidance, poised to apply this newfound knowledge to future UTM events. It was an empowering session, encapsulating the essence of learning beyond the classroom.

To visually capture the essence of the event and to complement the textual content. It showcases the interactive and educational environment of Pn Suzalpha's lecture, providing readers with a snapshot of the active engagement and learning experience at the JKM KSJ formation camp. The image helps to convey the context, the speaker's connection with the audience, and the overall atmosphere of the session, enhancing the reader's understanding and interest in the event being discussed.

JKM Formation Camp

The JKM Formation Camp for 2018-2019 session was held from 6-7 September 2018. A total of 45 diploma and degree students have been involved. Some activities were carried out. I served as a checkpoint keeper in a treasure hunt activity. I ran a ‘Jejak Bertapak’ activity where students were required to walk without stepping other than the provided steps.

Pusat Gelandangan Medan Tunku

We went to Pusat Gelandangan Medan Tunku last night. We were there to see what we as UTM’s lecturers can help the NGOs there. Last night was Kaseh4u and Pustaka Jalanan turn to manage the activities there. Different NGOs in charge of distributing foods and handling activities to the gelandangan each day. Such a startling and eye-opening experience to me personally.

Bengkel penulisan kertas persidangan NASDEC 2018

Persediaan untuk menulis kertas persidangan berkaitan pembangunan mahasiswa.

Meeting with our new DVC Student Affairs

Always ready to help. Our new TNC HEP.


Laporan Maulidur Rasul 2014

Borang kaunseling rujuk Staf/Pelajar UTM

Borang RUJUKAN KLIEN feb2017

Culture Night and Closing Ceremony of Minggu Mesra Mahasiswa

Some pictures and videos from the Culture Night and Closing Ceremony of Minggu Mesra Mahasiswa for the new students intake this year.


Right now we have an open day at Kolej Siswa Jaya called FIESTA’17. This is an annual event fully conducted by the students of Kolej siswa Jaya. We have fireworks, concerts, foodstalls, shops, open air cinema, blood donation, haunted house, e-sports etc. Today is the last day. Come join Us!!